Friday, July 24, 2009

Sleeping in Eclipse ...

I slept past today's solar eclipse. After all the frenzy and excitement fanned by media, a sense of missing out on a Cosmic spectacle creeps into my morning mood. But believe you me , once I woke up from my sleeping eclipse , sun was dazzling like as ever. As the first ray of morning sun touched me ,I found the first flint of sunlight more warm and welcoming because I could not shake off the sense of loss sounded by electronic channels. As I scribble this ...the drooping sun in the dusk looking more inviting than ever. I do not know how many people are there who regret to miss the Solar eclipse. Sense of reinventing the splendor of sun is stronger than the feeling of loosing out on the spectacle of Solar eclipse. It looks more beautiful than ever. But someone who was lucky to behold the cosmic event would discount my assertions as a fleeting effort to disown the depressing reality of missing on some immortal thing. I cant resist to say that sight of eclipse is divine which is out of this world.This was the 2nd episode of solar eclipse in my life time. I was small enough to witness the first episode. It is hard to forget the celestial diamond ring and the awesome darkness that engulfed everything. I watched the entire celestial with awe and suspicion. This episode has made me wise enough to put my previous experience into words.I had to shed my stain of watching eclipse with a redeeming bath. The Belief that" eclipses stain both moon and sun" is still there. This blindfolded belief that the eclipse of Sun invokes minstrels of darkling spirits , does not hold back thousands of Sun gazers who fly above the clouds and cross thousands of miles to catch a glimpse of the Solar eclipse.There are other tribes of faith vendors who cried foul of ill omen before the eclipse , its time they get enlightened and stop fear mongering. Solar or Lunar eclipse are the part of a grand cosmic scheme that reminds the littleness of mere mortals. Its been a revelation of sort that if there were not earth enveloping darkness we would never have realized the brightness of sunlight. Darkness comes with a promise of daylight. If ever again Sun dips in the darkness of clouds , my thirst for light wold increase. Leaving all my philosophical babble, I would put these lines to paint the magnificence of the spectacle :
They call it a great wonder
That the Sun would not
though the sky was cloudless
Shine warm upon the men.

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