Friday, July 24, 2009

Loking Back for a Lost Hero ...

Long before I stated studying perfunctory historical record of Netaji and his freedom struggle, I discovered Netaji as an epic hero from a romantic novel. Tales of his unflinching patriotism, of great escape and episodic military adventure against the mighty British made him a character of a heroic folklore. Sadly enough people outside Bengal find it bit off the cuff why sentiments and emotions run high in the name of Netaji. I have grown up with a sense of distraught that our Nation is yet to accord Netaji the position he deserves. It is not that the Bengalis have been ditched by the Government. Our Government has manufactured history to leave in impression that Indian achieved freedom only under Gandhian leadership and non- violent Sataya graha movement. History has been scripted with the denial of the contribution of Indian National Army and their freedom struggle against Britain. The freedom that we had to bargain out from Britain, eventually put burdens on Indian leadership. They were not in a position to offend Britain. Nehru knelt down to his Britsh master and urged them to treat Netaji as war criminal.Nehru and Congress government tried to detach and disowned Netaji and his unyielding struggle for freedom. Since then our Government pursued a policy of denial and disapproval of any intelligence of Netaji. Post independence two prominent commissions have been formulated.Shah Nawaz Committee by Nehru and GD Khosla commission by Indira .They concluded a fabricated truth that Netaji died in Taiwan Plane crash. There are lots of irregularities and loopholes in their reports. Neither Japanese Government nor Royal Army HQ made any official statement regarding Netaji's death at that time. His close aids and bodyguards don’t subscribe to this theory that he was dead in the air crash. There are sufficient intelligence reports by Japanese intelligence agency and KJB that he sneaked into Soviet union. Justice Mukharjee Commission ‘s findings negated the the reports of Shanawaz commission and Khosla commission. In 2005 JMC revealed in clear terms that there was no plane crash in Taipei. Government did not accept the reports of JMC . Government has always kept any documents of Netaji under cover and away from public domain .Lots of sensitive files have been destroyed by the Congress Governments. Deliberate negligence on the part of the Government has relegated Netaji to a second rung leader in the history of freedom movement .His portrait does not have place in the central hall of the Parliament.

The enigma that surrounds his disappearance and death has made him immortal. Its not only Government, but Nation seems to have no will to remember him whose sacrifice was supreme. We need to relive his ideals and visions. Besides being a braveheart, he was a great thinker as well. His vision of unified India is inspiring and a revelation to the present day policy makers of Indian administration….

India has actually always formed a cultural unit in their history, although not always a political one. In spite of all differences in language, an Indian from North will find all he needs for his private and religious life every where in the South. In our prayers for our country we include by the name all the holy places of India from one end to the other. In former days the numerous founders of philosophical schools in India, who benefited by the proverbial Indian tolerance and provided the outer world with a constant stream of New Thought.

Today, our nation is bogged down by menace of external and internal terrorism and an increasingly megalomaniac political class that keeps on forming weaker Government in the center. The Need of his fire brand patriotism is greater than ever now. We cannot allow him to fade into the mere confines of historical documents.

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